キッチンアクセサリー 7 個調理鍋ステンレス鋼調理器具キャセロール
概要 製品の説明 詳細な写真 会社概要 認証 よくある質問 FAQ: あなたは工場または商社ですか? 私たちは中国広東省江門市にある工場です。
会社概要認証FAQFAQ:Are you factory or trading company?We are factory located in Jiangmen City,Guangdong Province,China.How about the sample cost?We would like to provide free sample for you to confirm the quality before you place the order,and the sample will be delivery after we receive the shipping cost.When is the delivery date?The delivery date is depend on the product type and quantity,welcome to contact with us to know more detailed information about delivery.Is't possible to produce customized product?Yes,we would like to make molds and produce customized products,please contact with us to discuss the detailed requirement and cost.
モデル番号。 | WT-C032 |
起源 | 広東省、中国 |
生産能力 | 100000個/月 |
製品説明商品名 | ステンレス製調理器具セット |
商品番号。 | WT-C018 |
材料 | ステンレス鋼 |
サイズ | 鍋 蓋付き Ø16*9cmキャセロール 蓋付き Ø16*9cmキャセロール 蓋付き Ø20*10cmストックポット 蓋付き Ø24X14.5cm |
パッキング | カートン |
ロゴ | Customsmizeロゴが利用可能です |
サービス | OEM/ODMが利用可能です |
支払い | T/T 30% は事前にデポジットとして、B/L のコピーに対する T/T 残高。ウェルカム貿易保証 |
会社概要認証FAQFAQ:Are you factory or trading company?We are factory located in Jiangmen City,Guangdong Province,China.How about the sample cost?We would like to provide free sample for you to confirm the quality before you place the order,and the sample will be delivery after we receive the shipping cost.When is the delivery date?The delivery date is depend on the product type and quantity,welcome to contact with us to know more detailed information about delivery.Is't possible to produce customized product?Yes,we would like to make molds and produce customized products,please contact with us to discuss the detailed requirement and cost.